Saturday, 12 July 2014

How to meditate

I know this blog is primarily about fashion and beauty, but why not throw in a bit of "lifestyle" too?

So, if you have had a stressful day, week, month, year, decade (you get the gist) then this might just help you to relax, refresh and feel a bit happier for the summer.

  • Find a peaceful place where any noise and other disruptions will be at a minimum.  You need to be able to focus without added stimuli.
  • Make sure the clothing you are wearing allows to feel comfortable and to be able sit comfortably too. Also ensure you are warm/cool enough so you don't feel the need to rush in or outside to warm up or cool down!
  • Set aside some time. If you are a "beginner" you may only need 5 minutes but its entirely up to you. Try to meditate around the same time each day so it can become routine.
  • It may be an idea to do stretch before you begin to meditate so you do not ache whilst sitting for perhaps a slightly longer period of time in your position. This will also help as it means you won't have to worry about aches and pains whilst you try to relax.
  • Sit somewhere comfy, a good place is on the floor with a cushion beneath you for uppity. Make sure you sit with good posture, eventually you will get used to not slouching and begin to breathe easily.
  • Try to breathe normally (in through the nose and out through the mouth preferably) however focus on it and be aware of it.
  • Try saying a mantra, this is a word or phrase said repeatedly to relax the mind and body.
  • Closing your eyes will help you to block out "visual clutter" however you may choose to focus on a particular object with your eyes open.

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